How to Gain Practical Tech Experience Through Freelancing and Internships

Tech Career Hub
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
August 26, 2024
man standing wearing a shirt that reads intern on the back

Explore how to gain practical tech experience through freelancing and internships. Learn strategies for securing opportunities, maximizing learning, and leveraging these experiences for a successful tech career.

If the tech industry is calling your name, gaining hands-on, practical tech experience is crucial for landing your dream job in this competitive field.

Two ways to build your skills and enhance your resume are through freelancing and internships, whether plan to eventually seek a full-time job in tech or not.

In this article, we'll explore how to gain tech experience freelancing and find tech internships for beginners, helping you acquire the practical tech experience employers are looking for.

Once you’ve read this, you’ll know how to go out into the job market and find work experience that directly relates to the role you’re looking to land.

The Power of Tech Internships

Tech internships are more than just a summer gig or a line on your resume. They're a critical stepping stone to your full-time career, offering a unique blend of learning, networking, and real-world application.

That’s not to say a summer internship isn’t valuable, however. You’ll learn and leverage new technical skills like open source programming languages.

Internships provide a structured environment where you can apply learned and earned knowledge to practical scenarios. Often, you’re working on projects that directly impact the company's bottom line.

One of the most significant benefits of tech internships is the mentorship aspect. You'll work alongside seasoned professionals who can guide you, answer questions, and provide insights into the industry that you simply can't get from a classroom or online course.

This mentorship can be invaluable in shaping your career path and helping you understand the day-to-day realities of working in tech.

Moreover, internships often serve as an extended job interview. Many tech companies use their internship programs as a pipeline for full-time hires, with internal recruiters looking to interns specifically. By making a positive impression during your internship, you could secure a job offer before you even complete your program.

This transition from intern or part-time contractor to full-time employee is smoother, as you're already familiar with the company culture, processes, and technologies.

Securing a Tech Internship at Any Age

Contrary to popular belief, tech internships aren't just for college students.

Many companies offer internship opportunities for career changers, bootcamp graduates, and self-taught programmers. Here are some practical steps to secure a tech internship, regardless of your age or background:

1. Build a Strong Foundation: Before applying, ensure you have a solid grasp of fundamental programming concepts. Take online courses, earn certifications, complete coding bootcamps, or work on personal projects to build your skills.

2. Tailor Your Resume: Highlight relevant skills, projects, and coursework. Even if you don't have formal tech experience, emphasize transferable skills from previous roles.

3. Create a Portfolio: Showcase your web design, software development, and other computer science projects on platforms like GitHub. This demonstrates your coding abilities and initiative to potential employers. Participate in hackathons to show your capabilities, and talk about that experience in your portfolio.

4. Network Aggressively: Attend tech meetups, join online communities, and connect with professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Many internship opportunities are filled through referrals.

5. Look Beyond Traditional Internships: Consider apprenticeship programs, which are often more accommodating to career changers. Companies like Microsoft and Amazon offer apprenticeships specifically designed for non-traditional candidates.

6. Be Open to Remote Opportunities: With the rise of remote work, many companies now offer virtual internships, expanding your potential options beyond your local area.

7. Look to Existing Openings for Inspiration: Need help writing a cover letter? Want to know what companies are looking for as you navigate the job search? Looking at existing or prior job postings will give you the inspiration you need to know precisely what employers are looking for. Think of them as templates for creating the perfect application.

8. Learn Skills Employers are Actually Looking For: Does your dream company require HTML & CSS as a skill? What about Javascript? Don’t just go with the “popular” option — learn the skills that prospective employers you’d actually want to work for are seeking out.

9. Own Your Prior Experience: You may have years of experience in another industry and find that tech is the next step for you. This prior experience is meaningful and can be more than just a talking point — it can be the thing that gets you in the door.

Freelancing: The Flexible Path to Tech Experience

While internships offer structured learning experiences, freelancing provides a flexible alternative for gaining practical tech experience.

Freelancing allows you to work on diverse projects, build a portfolio, and develop crucial soft skills like client communication and project management.

To start your freelancing journey, focus on developing a marketable skill set. This could include web development, software engineering, or digital marketing. Platforms like Upwork and are great places to find entry-level tech jobs and build your reputation. Start with smaller projects to gain positive reviews and gradually take on more complex work, or look to startups who need to fill their technical team with folks that have the right experience.

One of the key advantages of freelancing is the ability to explore different areas of tech.

You might start with front-end web development and discover a passion for back-end dev, UX design, or cybersecurity. You might dabble in data science or analysis and realize you want to pursue a career in machine learning. This exploration can help you refine your career goals and identify the areas where you want to specialize.

Combining Freelancing and Internships for Maximum Impact

To truly accelerate your tech career, consider combining freelancing and internships.

Use freelancing to explore different areas of tech and build a diverse portfolio, then leverage this experience to land internships in your areas of interest. The skills you develop freelancing, such as time management and client communication, will make you a standout intern.

Conversely, the structured learning and mentorship you receive during an internship can enhance your freelance work. You'll gain insights into industry best practices, learn to work in a team environment, and understand how large-scale projects are managed. This combination of experiences will make you a well-rounded candidate for full-time positions.

Leveraging Your Experience for Full-Time Opportunities

As you gain practical tech experience through freelancing and internships, it's crucial to position yourself effectively for full-time roles.

Regularly update your LinkedIn profile and resume with new skills and projects. Seek referrals from clients, colleagues, and mentors you've worked with. These personal recommendations can significantly boost your chances of landing interviews.

When interviewing, use your freelance and internship experiences to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and adaptability. Discuss specific projects you've worked on, challenges you've overcome, and the impact of your work. This practical experience will set you apart from candidates who only have theoretical knowledge.

Gain Tech Experience Freelancing, Interning, or Learning at App Academy

Gaining practical tech experience through freelancing and internships is a powerful way to launch your career in this industry.

These opportunities provide invaluable hands-on experience, help you build a robust professional network, and allow you to explore various aspects of the tech industry.

However, to truly excel in your tech journey, consider complementing these experiences with structured, comprehensive learning: App Academy offers intensive coding bootcamps that can accelerate your skills acquisition and prepare you for both internships and full-time roles in tech.

Our curriculum covers in-demand programming languages and frameworks, preparing you for real-world challenges. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your skills, App Academy can provide the foundation you need to succeed in tech.

Click here to learn more!


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