Post-Pandemic, Remote Software Engineer Jobs Are Here to Stay

Tech Career Hub
Written by:
Courtney Grace
Published on:
October 27, 2022
a screen with computer code on it

Explore a wide range remote software engineer jobs. Discover opportunities to work from the comfort of your own home in the tech industry.

The workforce is entirely different than it was just two years ago.

The global pandemic was a catalyst for the inevitable shift from a traditional work environment to one that’s highly flexible and mostly based at home.

While new variants of the coronavirus continue to keep folks on their toes, tech (and all other industries, too) are grappling with how to bring people back into the office.

The problem? People want to stay remote.

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In occupations where work must be done on location, that’s not necessarily an option. Some industries and roles, though, are ripe for remote work, whether that’s in a hybrid model or a full work-from-home situation. Remote software engineer jobs are one such example.

Why are there so many remote software engineer jobs?

Before we talk about how many remote software engineer jobs are available, we have to talk about simply how many software engineering jobs in general are available. The answer is millions; and millions still go unfilled every single year.

As the world grows increasingly tech-focused, other industries are looking to build their own stacks, innovate web pages, create mobile apps, and bring their products or services into the tech age. Think retail companies making new shopping experiences; healthcare companies filing medical records electronically; government and defense contractors expanding their own tech acumen.

Because of the nature of software engineering, the job can often be performed remotely. Software engineers tend to work in teams, but tools like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, among others, keep folks connected without the need for face-to-face interaction.

It’s the remote-friendly work environment (plus benefits and high earning potential) that keep the interest in tech growing year over year.

These companies (among many others) are or will remain remote after the pandemic

According to FlexJobs, more than 30 big-name companies in tech have converted to a fully remote or a hybrid flex-remote allowance for their employees and will continue to hire for remote software engineering jobs in the future:


One of the first major tech organizations to announce their remote-forever plans in the height of the pandemic, Twitter will allow employees to work remotely indefinitely. Those who wish to work from one of the company’s 32 offices can do so as they please.


Taking a flex approach, Adobe plans to let employees work from home 50% of the time and return to the office, when safe, the other 50%.


FlexJobs states that most of Slack’s employees can work remotely permanently, though it doesn’t state which teams that doesn’t apply to. Their new hiring trend is centered around hiring remote employees, including ones not located near one of their 11 offices.


Facebook recently (June 2021) announced their flexibility expansion plans, which include permanent remote work for employees as well as opportunities for global travel days and working across borders.


Shopify has announced that all employees can work remotely permanently. They’re one of many companies who have recognized some — if not most or all — of the work their staff does can be done from home.


According to FlexJobs, “Employees at HubSpot can choose from three options: work from home with an approved home office setup, work from the office two or fewer days per week, or work from the office three or more days per week. New employees will have to choose their option prior to their start date, and can change once a year.”


Salesforce has a similar model to HubSpot in giving employees a range of options that work best for them: fully remote, flex staff (who are in the office three or fewer days a week), and office-based staff who require 4-5 days a week in office. They’ve also declared the 9-to-5 workday “dead”, giving employees freedom to work whenever and from wherever.


Spotify employees have three options: they can work from home, from one of their offices, or from a company-paid coworking space.

It may have taken a pandemic to push more companies into remote work, but the benefits for both employee and employer that it creates are pretty hard to ignore.

The benefits of remote software engineer jobs for the employer

Though the war on remote work is still fervently waging in many industries, tech has always been ahead of the curve in making flexible work environments or work-from-home a standard in many company benefits packages.

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That’s not to say it’s a given for every applicant looking for a remote software engineer job, but the pandemic has given these folks – particularly those who are a little more seasoned — a leg to stand on when it comes to a pro-remote argument.

Remote software engineer jobs reduce employee churn.

Let’s face it — when employees aren’t happy, there’s a company out there that will make them so. Constantly having to replace those employees costs companies money to train and outfit new hires and time to train them on policies.

Remote work is one such benefit that employers can offer to incentivize employees and reduce churn. This is especially true coming out of a year of remote work, where most organizations are set up to allow flexible work environments. Because of that, it’s not simply an ask; it’s a demand from prospective employees.

OWL Labs’ State of Remote Work from 2020 report that 77% of respondents agree having the option to work remotely would make them happier, and 80% of those in managerial and leadership positions expect to work from home at least three times per week.

Remote work = happier employees.

Happier employees = reduced churn.

Reduced churn = save money, time, and resources.

Money savings.

At the end of the day, a company’s revenue is factored by not only the money they make, but the money they save by cutting costs. Closing physical offices (or making them smaller for the folks who want to come in) saves money on rent, electricity, snacks and beverage options, office lunches, happy hours, technology and equipment, and parking spaces. Those costs add up, and fast.

You’ll recall those aforementioned training and new hire costs by retaining employees, too — those present additional opportunities to save some business cash.

Hiring for remote software engineer jobs give companies access to a global talent pool.

One of the biggest benefits of filling remote software engineering jobs is just that; because these prospective employees can live anywhere, hiring managers aren’t bound by geographical constraints. They can hire the right person for the job, regardless of location.

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For software engineering roles, specifically, the global talent pool is already so small; what with millions of roles going unfilled every year, hiring managers need to be able to cast a wider net to find viable candidates to fill those roles.

Improved communication.

Face-to-face meetings in office conference rooms aren’t always the most productive. A fully remote workforce forces people to schedule meetings only when they’re absolutely necessary; innovations like Slack, Zoom, G Suite and other project management tools foster productivity and collaboration across borders. That way, meeting time can be reserved for when it’s most needed.

The benefits of remote software engineer jobs for the employee

Much like the organizations hiring them, remote job seekers enjoy a number of benefits from telecommuting and working from home.

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Better environmental impact.

No commute trumps even the most environmentally friendly commute. When roads aren’t congested with smog-emitting cars driving to and from an office, remote workers can feel better about the impact their commute — or lack of — has on the future environment.

Plus, a shorter or nonexistent commute removes any stress and anxiety that’s often experienced from commuters:

“Several studies have shown that long-distance commuters suffer from psychosomatic disorders at a much higher rate than people with short trips to work. Physical symptoms range from headaches and backaches to digestive problems and high blood pressure. Mental ills include sleep disturbances, fatigue and concentration problems. Commuters who drive have it especially hard—bad weather, traffic jams and accidents all cause stress” (Scientific American).

Remote software engineer jobs improve work-life balance.

Work-life balance has been a hot-button issue during the pandemic (and before, but having everyone shuttered inside with nothing to do but focus on work definitely changed the conversation). Though it takes some practice and for some, active calendar-ing, remote work presents opportunities to balance work tasks with life tasks. This is especially true for parents and other caregivers.

Money savings

Organizations aren’t the only ones who save when they switch to remote work. Employees are able to cut down on costs around commuting and gassing up cars, buying lunches out, paying for childcare or dog walkers, and other costs that tend to pile up in monthly expense outlooks. Instead, that money can be put into savings or invested in other ways.

Where to find remote software engineer jobs



Remote Woman.


Conclusion: Remote software engineer jobs are here to stay; if it’s not, companies will feel the heat

Long after the pandemic ends, remote work isn’t going anywhere. In fact, for many, it’s going to be a non-negotiable. Our workforce has grown accustomed to the benefits of remote work, and  companies who aren’t following suit are feeling the heat as the Great Migration continues to happen across all industries, tech in particular.

Luckily, tech has and will likely always be a friend to the remote worker. If that environment is something you crave, this industry — and software engineering, as a role — might be for you. Learn more about our program offerings and download our student experience packet.


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