Deep Dive Into Full Stack Web Development

Tech Career Hub
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
December 15, 2022

Explore the intricacies of full-stack web development in this comprehensive deep dive. The content covers all aspects of the field, providing valuable insights and knowledge.

Full-stack developers are a major asset in the tech world. They have the skills to see a project through from start to finish, and they’re in high demand. At App Academy, we base our curriculum around showing each student how to become a full-stack web developer and giving them the skills they need to succeed.

Why become a full-stack developer? Let’s dive in.

What is Full Stack Development?

Full stack development refers to the programming that takes place on both the back-end as well as the front-end of a project or program. Back-end programmers work on an application’s logic, database, and system architecture. Front-end programmers work on web design, user interface, and user experience. Full-stack developers can do both.

Full-stack developers need to be able to think about both sides when building an app or a website, and that’s the importance of full-stack development. They can understand how each piece of the puzzle fits together to create a useful and effective program.

But becoming a full stack developer depends on developing both back-end and front-end programming skills.

Back-End Programming

Back-end programming works as a foundation that helps support the front end of a program or website. It’s unseen by users, and it’s a part of the application that handles the critical work of storing data and processing requests.

Often also called server-side development, back-end programming is the process of developing and implementing a site’s database logic and logging and handling user interactions. The main goal is to create an efficient means of processing user requests. Back-end programmers also often handle security measures and strategies for protecting against data hackers.  

Front-End Programming

Front-end programming manages the side of a program that people see and interact with. It’s sometimes referred to as the client-side, and it usually involves coding, designing, and testing interfaces.

Front-end developers are responsible for creating a site’s visual elements, such as maps, buttons, or menus. They also have to cover accessibility, performance, and some security.

They often work closely with designers to create an engaging user experience through colors, images, layouts, and icons. In most cases, front-end developers are responsible for bringing a web design to life.

What Languages Do Full Stack Developers Use?

Different programming languages are designed for either back-end or front-end programming, so full-stack developers tend to be fluent in a number of programming languages that span both categories.

Full-stack developers often work within a specific “stack.” This term refers to various software components that help develop and maintain an application, and it usually includes an operating system, a web server, a database, and a primary programming language. At App Academy, we teach two full stacks: MERN/JS and Ruby/JS.

Front-End Programming Languages

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for web browser content. It’s commonly paired with other languages like CSS and JavaScript to customize web content.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) define the presentation of an HTML or XML document.

JavaScript: JavaScript makes web pages interactive. It adds dynamic, user-interactive features, complementing the structural and stylistic aspects provided by HTML and CSS. It is mostly a front-end language, but it can be used for back-end development.

React/Redux: React is a JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces, and Redux is an open-source library for managing and centralizing application states. The two are often used in conjunction with one another.

Back-End Programming Languages

Python: Python is known for being readable and easy to use. It can be employed for program and website development, automation, and working with data.

Ruby: Ruby is a widely-used programming language with numerous applications, such as building websites and analyzing data. It’s written in English, so it’s a powerful language to have in your back pocket.

Why Become a Full Stack Developer?  

As a full-stack developer, you’ll have a wide range of knowledge that will go beyond what you might be able to accomplish if you specialized as a front-end or back-end developer. You’ll be well-versed in every aspect of web development, and you’ll have an enhanced understanding of the entirety of a program or website.

Becoming a full-stack developer can have a number of professional advantages.

High Demand

With the emergence of new technologies, companies are looking for innovative solutions. This often requires a wide range of skills including coding, software design, and product management.

Full stack developers are skilled in building an entire application from scratch, and they understand how to use numerous coding languages, application servers, browsers and more, placing them in high demand.

High Salary

Full-stack developers tend to have a higher average salary than programmers who specialize in either front-end or back-end work. It’s more cost-effective for companies to recruit one person to work on both sides of a website of application, so they’re usually willing to pay more for a person with those skills.

More Opportunities

Since full-stack developers are skilled in all aspects of software development, they can work in the front-end or back-end of an application, which increases the number of professional opportunities they may have.

The versatility of their skills helps open up more doors throughout their career and widens the field of industries that they may be able to find work in.

How to Become a Full-Stack Developer

If you’re wondering how to become a full-stack developer or how to learn full-stack development, we could have the answer.

If you already have skills as a front-end or back-end programmer, you’re on your way to becoming a full-stack developer. It’s just a matter of filling in the gaps in your knowledge and leveling up your skill set.

If you don’t have any background knowledge in coding languages, there’s still a path for you. It’s possible to pursue coding on your own, but there are also hands-on and structured experiences, like the bootcamps at App Academy.

We’ll teach you everything you need to know to become a qualified full-stack developer. Our curriculum will walk you through how to build web applications using a variety of programming languages and frameworks. In just a number of months, you’ll be able to call yourself a full-stack developer.

Explore Our Programs

No matter which path you choose, you’ll graduate from App Academy with everything you need to succeed as a full-stack developer. And it’s just a fraction of the cost of a college degree.




Start Your Journey Toward Becoming a Full Stack Developer Today

At App Academy, you’ll learn from the experts. For more information about our bootcamps and how to become a full-stack web developer, get in touch with our team today.



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