Online Immersive Programs: 24 Week & 48 Week Options

Fast-track your tech career. Pay $0 until you get hired.

Did you know that you can land the #1 job in America without a specialized degree or years of education? App Academy’s Online Coding Bootcamps can take you from zero coding experience to being competitive in today’s tech job market in as little as 24 weeks.

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Our grads get hired at companies like Google, Meta & Microsoft!
Here’s what you’ll learn
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Back-End Engineering
  • Front-End Engineering
  • Web Development Fundamentals
  • Artificial Intelligence | Learn More
  • And More!
By the end of the program, you’ll have
  • Proficiency in Javascript, Python and more
  • Hands on experience coding with AI | Learn More
  • A distinguished portfolio that demonstrates your new coding skills
  • Access to our Alumni network and the job search resources needed to launch a new career
Why you’re sure to succeed
  • We've been training students since 2012 and have prepared over 5,000 graduates for jobs as Software Engineers.
  • With our Deferred Tuition plan, we align our incentives with yours by not charging you tuition until you're hired and offering Placement Protection. We invest in you!
  • Our program emphasizes synchronous instruction and live collaboration with other students. You won’t spend all day watching recorded videos in our program.
Course Report Best Coding Bootcamp 2023 Award
Switchup Best Bootcamps 2023 Award
Career Karma Best Online Boocamp 2023 Award

Choose from two different schedule options

With both full-time and part-time options available, you can select the program that best fits your schedule and preferences.

24 Week Online Full-Time Bootcamp

Learn the coding skills you'll need to be a successful software engineer. As a grad, you’ll have an impressive portfolio of both personal & group coding projects to showcase to prospective employers.

Schedule and Intensity

  • Classes held Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm PST
  • 24 Weeks + Job Search
  • Full-time commitment with a rigorous and intensive learning pace
  • Can’t work a job during the program


  • Python, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Assessments given weekly
  • Safety net provided via deferrals
  • Ability to shift to our part-time program


  • Range: $20,000 - $31,000
  • Available Payment Plans: Upfront, Climb Credit Financing, Deferred

48 Week Online Part-Time Bootcamp

We’ll teach you our award-winning curriculum, but over a longer time frame to provide you more day-to-day flexibility. Then we’ll help you land a job as a software engineer.

Schedule and Intensity

  • Classes held Mon - Thurs, 6pm - 9pm EST or 7pm - 10pm PST, and Sat, 9am - 3:30pm PST
  • 48 Weeks + Job Search
  • Part-time commitment with a flexible and moderate learning pace
  • Can work a job during the program


  • Python, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Assessments given every other week
  • Safety net provided via deferrals


  • Range: $22,000 - $36,000
  • Available Payment Plans: Upfront, Climb Credit Financing, Deferred

Please Note: Our 24 Week Program and our 48 Week Program are not currently available to New York residents.

Not quite ready for a full-fledged bootcamp?

Get our entire 24 Week Online Full-Time Bootcamp curriculum for free (over 500 hours of material!). This course is entirely self-guided so you can complete it at your own pace and on your own schedule. Create a Free Account

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Accelerate your job search with 1:1 career coaching

Launching your new career will be anything but a solo effort! After graduation, you’ll be introduced to your dedicated career coach, whose sole mission is to help get you hired. Plus, you’ll have all the following job search resources and groups at your disposal.

Mock Interviews
Cover Letter Review
Salary Negotiation Training
Live Lectures
Resume Guidance
Weekly Coaching Opportunities
Interactive Workshops
Personal Pitch  Development
Alumni Network Access

Our students work at top companies including

Meta logo

Our students work at top companies including

Select a tuition plan that’s right for you

It’s our goal to strip away the barriers that the modern system puts around quality, relevant education that can place you in a new career quickly. Simply put, we want you to succeed! App Academy offers three main ways to fund your education for our online immersive programs:

Learn To Code.
Change Your Career.

Our online immersive programs will help you achieve the life changing outcome you seek! In an effort to keep our student:teacher ratio optimized, we do limit the amount of seats we offer per cohort. Apply today, so you can lock-in your spot for your preferred course date.
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We’ll be with you every step of the way! Your support team will include:

An Admissions Specialist
Teaching Assistants
Module Instructors
A Career Coach

Hear first-hand from our alumni

App Academy is proud to be considered one of the best coding bootcamps in the United States. We’re even more proud that over 1,100 of our graduates have rated us 4.69/5.

Within the first week, I knew I had made the right choice. The content of the program is very aligned with the job market today and everything is structured to give you the foundational knowledge you need to become a software engineer.

Ryan Maloney, 24 Week Online Full-Time Program - 2021 graduate

With every step of the enrollment process, every person that I interacted with was genuinely excited for me and offering words of encouragement. Fast-forward to the last few weeks of my program, in the midst of designing and building a solo capstone project, that encouragement and support never faltered.

Courtney Newcomer, 24 Week Online Full-Time Program - 2021 graduate

The company culture makes for a great learning environment and I was able to make strong connections with instructors and fellow students. Most importantly, App Academy gave me the confidence to tackle the job search head on!

Quintin Hull, 24 Week Online Full-Time Program - 2021 graduate

learn MORE about app academy from real people +

Get all your remaining questions answered

Our friendly and knowledgeable Admissions Specialists are ready to help guide you to your best path!